Time-saving iOS App Starter-Code Generator automating repetitive code for efficient app development.
Slash iOS app development time with SwiftyLaunch. Generate a fully functional Xcode project in minutes, pre-integrated with Firebase/Supabase, authentication, payments, and more. Focus on building your app's core features, not tedious setup.
SwiftyLaunch is more than a boilerplate; it's a full-fledged app generator. Select the features you need, and we generate a customized Xcode project instantly, without unnecessary bloat.
No, SwiftyLaunch is a macOS application and generates SwiftUI apps for Xcode.
Check our roadmap for planned updates and features: (/blog#roadmap)
Yes! Contact us at (mailto:vladislav@mail.swiftylaun.ch) for details.
A Mac running macOS Sonoma (14.0) or later and Xcode 15.3 or later (Xcode 16.0+ recommended).
Feel free to contact us via email at (mailto:vladislav@mail.swiftylaun.ch) or on (https://x.com/@vlad_smolyanoy).
Mateusz Siatrak
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