Specialized Remix boilerplate for efficient development of list-based web applications.
Launch business directories instantly with this plain HTML, CSS, JavaScript boilerplate. Bypass framework complexities and enjoy lightning-fast development, minimal maintenance, and lasting performance. Perfect for simple, single-page directories needing minimal updates.
$47 - $97
This boilerplate is ideal for developers who value simplicity and speed. It's perfect for those comfortable with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and prioritize minimal maintenance over constantly updating frameworks. Great for small to medium-sized directories with infrequent updates.
This boilerplate isn't suitable if you prefer the complexity of modern JavaScript frameworks, require frequent updates, or need extensive dynamic data handling. It's also not for beginners with no HTML, CSS, or JavaScript experience.
You'll gain access to the GitHub repository, allowing you to fork it and begin building. Comprehensive documentation and Telegram community support are also included.
Yes, the license allows use on an unlimited number of sites.
Standard media policy and common sense apply. You may not use it for illegal or harmful purposes and are not permitted to share or resell it, in whole or in part.