The Benefits of Using Boilerplates in Your Workflow

A vibrant and colorful image depicting a well-organized, modern office desk from a top view. The desk features a large monitor displaying a schematic of a boilerplate code structure, a steaming coffee cup, colorful sticky notes with code snippets, and a sleek, wireless mouse on a geometric patterned mousepad. A potted succulent sits at one corner, adding a touch of green. The atmosphere is bright and energized, with sunlight streaming across the desk through a nearby window, casting soft shadows. The illustration is done in a cartoon/old comic book style, reminiscent of mid-20th-century comics, but without any characters or text, focusing solely on the objects and their arrangement in an inviting workspace.

Table of Contents

What Are Boilerplates?

Boilerplates are pre-built code templates that developers use to kickstart their projects. They're like a foundation for your house - you don't have to build everything from scratch. Instead, you get a solid starting point with common features already set up.

These templates often include things like:

  • Basic project structure
  • Configuration files
  • Common libraries and dependencies
  • Standard features (like user authentication)

Using a boilerplate can speed up your development process and help you follow best practices. Let's dive into the specific benefits of using boilerplates in your workflow.

Time Savings

One of the biggest advantages of using boilerplates is the time you save. Setting up a new project from scratch can take hours or even days. With a boilerplate, you can get started in minutes.

Here's a comparison of setup times:

Task From Scratch With Boilerplate
Project structure setup 2-3 hours 5 minutes
Dependency installation 1-2 hours 10 minutes
Basic feature implementation 4-8 hours Already included

This time savings allows you to focus on building the unique features of your project right away. For example, the NextBase boilerplate comes with authentication, documentation, payments, and an admin panel already set up. You can start working on your core business logic immediately.

Consistency Across Projects

When you use boilerplates, you ensure a level of consistency across different projects. This is especially useful for teams or companies working on multiple applications.

Benefits of consistency include:

  • Easier onboarding for new team members
  • Simplified code reviews
  • Reduced cognitive load when switching between projects

Using a consistent structure makes it easier for developers to navigate and understand the codebase, regardless of which project they're working on.

Built-in Best Practices

Well-designed boilerplates incorporate industry best practices and patterns. This means you're starting your project on the right foot, with a solid foundation of good coding practices.

Some best practices often included in boilerplates:

  • Proper file and folder organization
  • Security measures (like CSRF protection)
  • Performance optimizations
  • Accessibility considerations

For instance, the Divjoy boilerplate includes built-in authentication and billing features, ensuring these critical components are implemented securely from the start.

Focus on Core Features

By using a boilerplate, you can skip the repetitive setup tasks and focus on building the unique features of your application. This is particularly valuable when you're working on tight deadlines or trying to validate a business idea quickly.

Here's how time allocation might look:

Task Without Boilerplate With Boilerplate
Setup and configuration 30% 5%
Basic feature implementation 40% 15%
Core business logic 30% 80%

This shift in focus can lead to faster development cycles and quicker time-to-market for your products.

Learning Opportunities

Boilerplates can be excellent learning tools, especially for developers new to a particular technology stack. By examining how experienced developers structure their projects and implement common features, you can gain insights into best practices and design patterns.

Learning benefits of boilerplates:

  • See real-world implementations of design patterns
  • Understand how different parts of an application interact
  • Learn about useful libraries and tools
  • Discover coding conventions and style guidelines

For example, exploring the ShipFast boilerplate can teach you about integrating SEO, email functionality, and Stripe payments into a NextJS application.

Cost-Effective Development

Using boilerplates can significantly reduce development costs. By providing pre-built components and features, boilerplates cut down on the hours needed to get a project off the ground.

This cost reduction is particularly beneficial for startups and small businesses with limited resources.

Consider these potential savings:

Project Phase Without Boilerplate With Boilerplate
Initial Setup $2000 $200
Basic Feature Development $5000 $1000
Testing and Bug Fixing $3000 $1500

These savings can be reinvested into developing unique features or marketing your product.

There are many boilerplates available for different tech stacks and project types. Here are a few popular ones:

  • NextBase: An all-in-one SaaS boilerplate for NextJS, React, and Tailwind, with features like authentication, documentation, and payments.
  • Divjoy: A comprehensive React boilerplate that includes authentication, billing, and payment features.
  • ShipFast: A NextJS boilerplate designed for quickly building and launching SaaS products, AI tools, and other web applications.

These boilerplates offer different features and are suited for various project types. It's important to choose one that aligns with your specific needs.

Choosing the Right Boilerplate

Selecting the right boilerplate is crucial for maximizing its benefits. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Tech stack compatibility
  • Included features
  • Community support and updates
  • Customization options
  • Learning curve

It's important to choose a boilerplate that not only meets your current needs but also aligns with your long-term project goals.

To help developers find the right boilerplate, platforms like offer a curated collection of high-quality boilerplates across various tech stacks. This makes it easier to compare options and choose the best fit for your project.


Boilerplates can significantly streamline your development workflow, saving time and resources while ensuring best practices are followed. By starting with a solid foundation, you can focus on building the unique aspects of your project that truly matter.

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, considering a boilerplate for your next project could be a game-changer. Platforms like can help you find the perfect starting point for your next big idea.


Are boilerplates only for beginners?

No, boilerplates can be beneficial for developers at all skill levels. They save time and ensure consistency, which is valuable for both beginners and experienced developers.

Can I customize a boilerplate?

Yes, most boilerplates are designed to be customized. You can add, remove, or modify components to fit your specific project needs.

Do boilerplates limit creativity?

While boilerplates provide a structure, they don't limit creativity. They handle the repetitive setup, allowing you to focus your creative energy on unique features and problem-solving.

How often should boilerplates be updated?

Good boilerplates are regularly updated to incorporate new best practices and security patches. It's a good idea to check for updates before starting a new project.

Can I create my own boilerplate?

Absolutely. Many developers create custom boilerplates for their specific needs or company standards. You can even share your boilerplate with the community through platforms like